Why Should All Cats and Dogs Be Friends

A Free Comic Ebook by Mitt Ray

Why Should All Cats and Dogs Be Friends [Free Comic Book]

Do you like cats and dogs? Do you like to read humorous comics? 

I love both cats and dogs. Whenever I come across a video with cats and dogs in it I get lost. One video leads to another and before I know it I have wasted hours doing no work. 

But it is completely worth it. They are so fun to watch! 

This is why when a stray cat befriended my dog, Bessie, I was ecstatic. I didn’t need to go online to look at cat and dog videos. I could watch the 2 of them live. 

I was so elated that I wrote down my thoughts on how wonderful it would be if all cats and dogs were friends. I decided to make these thoughts into a humorous comic book. 

  • Do you want to know how cats and dogs can teach each other to be more adorable? 
  • How they can get the internet to love them more? 
  • Why they make a good night vision team? 
  • And more...

Then download the comic ebook ‘Why Should All Cats and Dogs Be Friends’ for free by clicking the ‘Download the Comic Ebook For Free Now’ Button.  

I assure you it will make you laugh. 

About the Author, Mitt Ray

Mitt Ray loves animals. He not only draws comics, but also writes books for children and young adults. He is the author of the books Jack the Homework Eater and Living with Ogres. 

He lives with his dog, Bessie.